Are you uniquely you?

When will you treat yourself?

When will you treat yourself?

If there is one thing I’ve learned, especially during this period of lockdown, is that time waits for no one. One does not need to wait for anyone to make things happen. And sometimes, that includes dating. If you’re single, loving yourself is equally as important as having someone love you.

I know many of you think I’m this extrovert, social butterfly that perpetually hops from events to events and meeting different people. (God, sometimes I actually schedule people to meet me at hourly intervals in the same spot so I can cover more interactions). Contrary to that belief, I actually appreciate a lot of “me-time” and when I do “me-time”, it has to be just as good as a beautiful date night. Here’s how I would throw one.

Pick a playlist

There’s no rule to this. It depends on the mood that you’re going for. I often think of the great vibe I get from roaming the streets of Paris so I’d sometimes pick a 1970s French playlist while I prepare the next series of activities. Other times, I just play my favorite pop playlist (in instrumental) for familiar grounds but not like I’m in some trashy bars.

Next, start making your favorite cocktails

I usually go for a classic vodka soda because I swear by this diet. But, for a classic date night, you may want something more sophisticated that elevates the mood (because, why not spoil yourself?). It really creates this space for you to explore what you like and tweak the flavor to your preference.


Dinner, always dinner

How could you not have a simple and beautiful dinner? I make every effort to ensure food tastes excellent, coupled with a proper setup and plating. Like it or not, both plating and taste are equally important in the way I like my food to be. Plus, the satisfaction of incorporating a bit of effort into plating the food you make is priceless. You should definitely be enjoying that dinner with your favorite tipple.

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Throw in an optional bubble bath


Not everyone has a bath at home but if you do, some hot water and bubbles (both the soap bubbles and bubbles you’re drinking, of course) would do you a great night of relaxation. I often diffuse my favorite essential oil blend during the bath to achieve optimum benefits. What is there NOT to like about a bath with a tinge of aromatherapy treatment?

There you go. A quick, simple, and elegant way of spending some time loving yourself so you can keep giving more love to people around you. I don’t know about you, but for someone who is constantly socializing, having a moment to recuperate and regenerate fresh ideas for meaningful interactions goes a long way.

If you fancy “me-times”, tell me what you do. I would be glad to pick up new ideas from you.

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Be proud and loud

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